Thursday, March 19, 2009

good luck

trying to find soy free mayo, soy free canned tuna, soy free salad dressing, soy free ANYTHING!
and i just dare you to try and find an MSG free ranch. well, i found one. but not on the ranch aisle- it was in the produce section. and i'm not 100% certain it was soy free either.
i don't make things from scratch because i'm a glutton for punishment. i make it because i'm a control freak and i NEED to know that the kids i work so hard to protect from predators, electric sockets, and the radical left are also free to enjoy food without the risk of developing prostate cancer, estrogen fed breast cancer, and infertility.
so for now, until some magical company comes along making things the good ol' fashioned way, i'm left to figure out how to make mayo and ranch. but even if that utopian company comes along, i'll still be making ice cream- because it's just so darned D-lish.


Momma said...

No doubt! I agree with you 100%!
I am hard up on the mayo now..... the vitamix makes the making of the Mayo extremely easy.

I accidentally poured a glop of olive oil in the blender and it whizzed right up with no soupiness.

elizabeth said...

yep. i use the blender to make mayo. i use grapeseed oil bc the olive oil taste is too strong for mayo imo.

Anonymous said...

Costco has some kind of ranch seasoning that's not Hidden Valley; I'll check tomorrow since you now have my curiosity piqued.

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