sometimes the kids have races on the treadmill. they each run 1/2 a mile and then compare times. on one such occassion max attempted to run on the treadmill while it was at full speed. he simply pressed 12 and grabbed the handles and ran for dear life. i was knitting on the couch and noticed the rapid rise in rpm's. i looked up to see his face go from proud to frantic once the treadmill leveled out on the selected speed. this was back when i was pregnant and so you can understand why i didn't leap deftly to his rescue. instead, in my delayed reaction, i watched the events unfold in slow motion. his face told me "i want to press stop, but if i let go of the handles i'll fly off this death trap." he stealed himself and pulled the right hand off. as he reached for the stop button his left foot slid toward the back end of the conveyor belt. then his right foot came down hard and before his left foot could bring itself back forward he had fallen to his right knee and tumbled off of the backend. the only comfort came when i told him his time was good enough to win. henry, however, had to remind everyone that max didn't actually cross the finish line.
when the kids get home from school i feel like i'm on a treadmill going flat out. first, if there wasn't a disagreement with someone on the bus, there's snack, then there's chores, then there's homework, then we're getting dinner ready, then we're cleaning up after dinner, then it's bedtime. i can't let go of a minute or i'll fall off the backend. there is scarcely a minute for us to just be a family relaxed around the house or having fun outside. i feel like i'm one person all day and then after the bus comes i'm replaced by an evil task master. "next, next, next...no no no- don't stop and breathe we haven't time, you're only allowed to breathe when you are in bed!"
homeschooling is looking more and more desireable.
first- i won't need to assign homework. the kids who get it can move on. the kids who don't can work on it more tomorrow. no fuss no muss.
second- their day won't be so sucked up by teachers and their logistics. "sit still, walk in line, bathroom break!" i mean, how much time is lost during the day because she is just trying to corral 20+ second graders. they'll have more time to play outside. more time to just be. be creative, be curious, be a family.
and third- they just might have a chance at not going on anti anxiety meds at an absurdly young age. i just wonder how many children are on drugs like that. with the lives that adults shove at them, i bet many children have become overwhelmed. we took organized sports off the table this year in hopes for a little sanity. instead we got a family membership to lifetime fitness. it's got a pool, an enormous climbing wall, and squash courts for the kids to play in.
as far as homeschooling goes, i'm still praying. it's on the horizon, i just want it closer than it is.
You described our (former) life perfectly. I can honestly say that the decision to homeschool our kids was one of the best we ever made. I could go on, but I won't. I empathize completely about the family time situation and the nagging - ugh! Hugs and prayers for you...
well, well.... This particular blog had me laughing! Poor max. He's a good sport! And Henry sounds like K being that he MUST let each one know the REAL truth as what happened. K is a realist when it comes to everyone else, except her! =)
home lessons ARE great! You can be social when you want, or not. Lessons in this house can reasonably be finished within 1-2 hours if not less. T is just learning to recognize letters and spell her name (from written example still). No rushes.
We strive not for excellence but rather comfort. The drive for specific passions will most definately come later.
No matter what you do though, there will always be obsticles to overcome.
I'm going to add your intention to my prayer list. :)
I know you would love it.
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