Monday, December 1, 2008

thanksgiving in pictures

mom asked margaret to host this year's thanksgiving feast. with all the grandkids attending, we were going to need more space. margaret's place was up to the task. it didn't hurt, of course, that the weather was great! the kids played outside plenty after the large meal. here are some pics of the event

frances gets to bond with her Godmother- aunt rose, aunt rose's newest one on the way(in utero), and grandma. frances slept most of the day away- and was super great in sleeping most of the night away too. i suspected a growth spurt with furious nursing sessions the rest of the weekend.

chris assumed his usual position for the family get together, until the football game was turned on downstairs.

margaret and jerome were great hosts. the spread was incredible! we each brought a little something, but they provided us with the scrumptious turkey.

my Godson,jon-luc, gets some lovin' from his mama. they flew in for the weekend from kansas. it was so good to see them.

KT tries her hand at the piano. don't you just love those curls!!!

jose tries to show off his arm while proud wife regina watches his attempts at pegging me on the deck. no such luck. stick with european football jose! something to his credit though- he spilled not one drop of brew.

TIME TO EAT!!! a handfull of cousins lineup to get their cups tagged.

the sharpie- a must at peek family functions.

tom o'donnel, his wife clarise, and their son joined us this year. he plays concert violin for the ASO. after the meal he played a bit for us.

frances, still sleeping the day away. even during the jig below.

pecan pie before we head out for our walk.

mj watches the cousins play soccer. everyone loved this hat. i made it last spring and am so pleased that it fits!

the kickoff.

jose holds a mini-clinic in the front yard. how much is your group rate again?

george in a faceoff with bailey.

proud grandpa watches his grandkids enjoy the fall day.
we had a lovely day. the only ones missing??? fr. joe stayed home. denise and niko visited with him. fr. kevin remains overseas, but in our hearts. and kari beckman home with mary grace. we missed you all at the gathering. next year, i pray, we wil be together.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Momma said...

I agree with goooooood girl. =) I love seeing a large family get together.
MJ's hat is totally cute! She already has eyes on the back of her head.

Elaine said...

Looks like a fun gathering!Is that your skirt in the picture of Frances sleeping during the Jig? If so, I like it! ;)

elizabeth said...

yes cj- i'm kicking myself for publishing the spam. i didn't know it was spam until just after i clicked the "publish" button- please DO NOT give "goooood girl" the pleasure of checking out her profile. i've already done it and it's just an online gambling poker site.
and elaine- it is one of my favorite skirts. bought on sale at parisian.

Christina said...

ok.... kick yourself again.... the youngest of the Peek clan- Christina and her new husband Michael- were off visiting the oldest sibling- Sister Mary Agnes in South Dakota... thanks for missing us :P too many ppl once again to notice the few extra missing. But we still love you... Maybe come next year we'll be together then... you know we'll have a good time then.

elizabeth said...

i knew you were missing, bc u were missed. i don't always remember things when i sit to type it out. sorry girl.

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