Wednesday, November 19, 2008

marriages in crisis

something odd is happening. so many friends of mine are contacting me and sharing stories of crisis in their marriages. it's distressing and leaves me with an empty gut feeling. chris and i have been at odds lately too, but it happens and i have faith we will work it through. still, it leaves me wondering. what is going on? i feel the devil at work. when i hear about such a great couple having such terrible times, it just makes me smell a rat. it's truly lucifer's M.O. and i feel that in our physical lives a few things give satan the foothold that he needs. here's the list...

this last one i think is on our husbands' minds. with the economy being in such a way and christmas around the corner, i think our guys are feeling the strain. i've told chris time and time again that i don't care if we can't afford XYZ, as long as he's here with me, everything's going to be ok. but telling that to a father of six and get it through to the deepest part of his brain are two different matters. he wants to provide for us. he wants to make sure we have what we need. i have to remember to be grateful. when's the last time i've thanked him for bringing home the bacon? when's the last time you thanked your husband? they are such simple creatures. just a hug and a kiss and a comment like, "you're my superman", will put him on cloud 9 for a week. try it.
and make sure you say prayers for your man as well.


Elaine said...

In the words of Chris Rock... "hey daddy, thanks for knocking out this rent. "

elizabeth said...

we always remember that act when we save the big piece of chicken for daddy. that man is so funny AND wise.

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