Monday, November 10, 2008


we were playing with a label maker this morning. before long george had labels stuck on just about everything. we made a few labels for mary jane to stick on things so she could join the fun.
"let's make frances a label!" george yells, barely containing his excitement. i type out frances' name on the label maker.
"what are we going to stick it to?" i ask.
"we gotta find something she really likes," he says as he's turning toward the toy room. i press "print" as he leaves the room and enters the hallway. he's almost to the toyroom when i hear him say, as if to himself...
"she likes nursing but we can't do that..."
and i envisioned myself with frances' name attached possessively to my breasts. i smiled at the thought. i look down, frances smiled too- off somewhere dreaming about it no doubt.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I love when the big kids truly understand what babies love most! ;)

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