Friday, November 21, 2008

the amazing world of EC

i first started doing a form of EC with max. he hated to be put down unless he was barebottomed, so i would hold him over the potty in such a way to put a little pressure on his lower gi and bladder. once he was clear, i'd lay him on a blanket next to me and i could do yoga for 30 minutes while he played happily. in talking with a friend i learned that people did this all day and even night. they called it EC or diaper free baby. so fastforward a few years and a few kids, EC has become as easy and natural as nursing. it's pretty amazing.
so many benefits to EC...let me count the ways.
decreases the amount of diapers our family adds to the landfill,
baby is happy and not sitting in her own filth- therefore, no rashes,
there are no explosions that come out of dipe and soil clothes,
by being privy to her digestive habits i can assess health and mood better,
she'll be potty trained early,
and i don't have to wash cloth diapers nearly as much.
we are not hardcore ECers. we don't post videos of our success on youtube. with EC and a big family, sometimes i have to ignore her signals so i can take care of other kids. and to eliminate(hee hee) the possiblity of poo and pee everywhere we do cloth diapers as a back up. today is friday. her diapers have been dry since sunday night. and that's even with me being ill for a day or two.

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