Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a zip in panel!!!

i can now wear the bean out and both of us can be covered!!! i've been thinking about getting a babycarrier cover for winter time. in the past i just wore chris's old xxl bomber type coat but if i didn't zip it all the way up it left my neck cold. and if i did zip it all the way up- it compromised baby's breathing. dilemma. so i went online. surely i could find something. and i did. a peekaroo vest. for only $82 you and baby can avoid gangrene! that was a bit steep for me. so i began escaping in day dream to design my baby cover.
i decided i could just make a panel to zip into the REI fleece jacket i got on sale last fall. i checked out the zipper and bought the matching one at the fabric store. the zippers sat at my sewing table until this morning when i, inspired by the extreme cold, decided to make the panel.
ideally i would have made it out of all black materials to give it a more seamless look. but when i get an idea in my head for a project, i HAVE to do it. i'm a crazy woman until it starts to take shape. so all i had at my disposal was leftover materials. if anyone is interested i can post the directions. here are the pics. the first is with the scarf wrapped around. the second is with the scarf unwrapped.


Elaine said...

How incredibly crafty! I'm impressed!
(and did you crochet your hat? I like it!)

elizabeth said...

thank you- i plan on getting ALOT of wear out of the panel this coming fall/winter.
i crocheted the hat for myself. my daughter swiped it so i added a flower for some bling. i swipe it back from time to time. she has about 20 hats.

Momma said...

I love the scarf idea with the carrier. genius!

elizabeth said...

I am making a tutorial video on this. To be posted to the blog shortly.

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