Tuesday, October 14, 2008

george's faceplant

george had a bit of a scrape yesterday. my mother in law gave mary jane a scooter with two front wheels and one back wheel. it's soooo squirrely bc the handle bars don't control the wheels, leaning controls the turn of the wheels. so it carves a VERY tight curve with just the slightest lean.
he was flying on this death trap in front of mom's house yesterday while henry samantha and i raked pinestraw. dad sat in a white plastic chair and caught up with cell phone calls to various people for various reasons. george took the spill right around where christina broke her leg. it looked harmless but the closer i got the worse it looked. i was thankful his shirt was dark blue. for that reason he didn't know exactly how much blood was coming from his mouth. of course his siblings couldn't help but stop and stare and mention, "wow, that's alot of blood!"
i got my bright orange traffic directing sticks out and motioned them to keep moving, nothing to see here. basically just shooed them away.
doug brought his canvas chair over and joined dad in the driveway to chat a bit about politics. he assured me that george would be fine. i knew that. but what i didn't know was if he needed stitches or not. so i got on the phone to margaret. she says, "come by the office."
so it takes about ten years for the kids to load up the piles of pinestraw and set the cans by the curb for yard refuse pickup. then we're in the car where george is already sleeping. mom hands them all these nutty buddy type ice cream cones. it's curious. these treats i remember getting only once- when i found a long lost library book. now, it seems that her freezer never goes a day without being graced by their presence and she falls over herself offering them to the kids. and for some strange reason, just watching them get spoiled by her tastes sweeter than i remember that one well deserved treat.
so we're driving up 400 in pre rush hour traffic. the office is about to close and we get checked out by debbie- the nurse practicioner bc margaret is home. she calls margaret and tells us to go to scottish rite but call margaret on the way. i smile. i know what this is about. i get in the car and call margaret.
"come over to the house." she wants to make sure stitches are really needed. sweet sister.
she checks him out and we're back in the car after i nurse the neglected baby- we've been on the go ALL day. before we went to moms we went hiking up below our dam.
as you can tell i have a slight case of ADD.
anyhow, back to the story...margaret is in their new acura suv leading the way to the maxilofacial surgeon the did henry's free x-ray. he agreed to an after hours suture for FREE! saving me both time AND money.
after hours means he was the only one in the office. no tech or assistant. soooo, i had to be the one to suction and wear gloves and sit front row. i threw a cloth diaper over his eyes and told him it would keep the bright light out of his eyes. my motive was to keep him from seeing the syringe full of novacain and the suture hooked needle. the doctor was very efficient. he went in and tacked his upper gums down twice then he tacked the gaping hole in the inside of his upper lip about 5 times. from a sewer's perspective it was pretty neat. what a great fabric our Lord made us out of...able to heal, able to stretch and protect so well. thank you God!


Christina said...

see august 21 post... well... you almost made two months on that promise... guess summer is over, but welcome to fall! ;) hope your family survives it a bit better. thankfully geo got saved the ER.... hopefully his grill will repay you later with many thanks and beautiful smiles.

elizabeth said...

lol...boy did i eat my words!

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